Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Seashell Christmas Ornaments

I know it's Halloween, but since I live in an apartment where no one trick-or-treats, I spent my evening making Christmas ornaments out of shells! 

Most of my shelling adventures happen on the beautiful island of Sanibel, but I will occasionally purchase bags of smaller shells to use as filler on my creations. 

Here are two that I just made.  Except for the suggestion of a flower in the one on the left, they aren't supposed to be anything specific.  The ribbon and small pearls were purchased at Michaels. 

Here are a couple of shell angels.  They are comprised of a buttercup lucine for the skirt, two calico clams for the wings, a coquina for the slippers, and one smaller clam for the head.  The little necklace beads contain elements of Swarovski crystals.  I like that the little band of gold coloring on the head of the left angel kind of suggests a halo.  I probably should have used a shell like that for the other one as well. 

Well, that's it for now!  There will be more ornaments to come.  Happy Halloween!!


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